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SQL Server Performance Study by Performance Monitor (logman.exe)

  Using Logman Open command prompt in an Administrator mode and run the below script. Logman.exe create counter PerfLog-Short -o " c:\temp \%computername%_PerfLog-Short.blg" -f bincirc -v mmddhhmm  -max 300  -c "\LogicalDisk(*)\*" "\Memory\*" "\.NET CLR Memory(*)\*" "\Cache\*" "\Network Interface(*)\*" "\Netlogon(*)\*" "\Paging File(*)\*" "\PhysicalDisk(*)\*" "\Processor(*)\*" "\Processor Information(*)\*" "\Process(*)\*" "\Redirector\*" "\Server\*" "\System\*" "\Server Work Queues(*)\*" "\Terminal Services\*" -si 00:00:01 -f bincirc -max 300 -si 1  : This piece of the command specifies that we are creating a Binary Circular file , sets the Maximum Log file size to 300 MB, sets the Capture Interval at 1 seconds To start the data collector, please execute blow command. Collect the data for 10 minutes during the Busines

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